Nick Harris

Archive for December 2013

Introducing Bands

When I was approached to write a book for the beginner’s series from Wrox, I decided I wanted to take a different approach then any of the other beginning iOS books I had bought.  I’ve written software in many languages and never found a beginners book that suited me. Instead I learned by creating something I could use. I decided to take that approach for the book.

“Beginning iOS Development – Building and Deploying iOS Applications” is now written, through edits and off to production. I believe it will be available in late January or early February.

The app the book builds is called Bands. It’s a simple app that would never win an Apple Design Award but instead walks readers through first step things like wiring up an IBAction to a button to advanced topics like using NSURLSession and completion handler blocks against the iTunes Search API.

Band list

Band details

Activity options

Map wide

Tracks tall

The chapter I’m most proud of is Chapter 2 “Introduction to Objective-C.” The book is aimed at devs who have written Java or C#. This chapter teaches Objective-C by comparing things like classes, methods and properties to similar code written in Java and C#. It also covers Manual Reference Counting, Automatic Reference Counting and Model-View-Controller. It’s the chapter (and honestly the book) I wish I had in 2008 when I started writing iOS apps.

Its been exhausting. The worthwhile experiences often are.

I hope readers learn as much reading this book as I learned writing it.

Written by Nick Harris

December 16, 2013 at 6:19 am

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